-What is more exciting for you to work on TV Or on stage?
I started out on stage and it’s where I feel most creatively engaged and free. If movies are a directors medium and TV is a writers medium, stage is the definitely the actors medium. You are your own editor on stage. However I think all forms supplement each other, it’s not a one way street.
-Which role was the most challenging for you and why?
I did a play called the Pitchfork Disney written by Phillip Ridley a couple of years ago and it absolutely fried me. That was the most creatively fulfilling experience I’ve had, but it cost me.
- What was your first break and how was the feeling?
i don't actually think I could tell you I’ve had what you would call a ‘break’. I’ve been working for a decade now and it’s a marathon not a sprint. It’s a succession of micro breaks maybe, that all add up to a career.
-What kind of movies do you like to watch in your leisure time?
Ah, everything. I love films. I really dig going through directors/writers back catalogues. You clock patterns in people’s work and what makes their process tick. i also like trash TV & I regularly have to stop myself from falling down the Youtube hole all the time.
-If you could visit 5 countries in 1 day which those countries will be?
Five countries in one day would be bonkers, are we factoring in travel? If travel is included my hands are logistically pretty tied. I’ve worked it out on Google maps though and you could drive through Austria, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg in a day with some time to spare. The World Record is 19!!! Countries in one day.....fever dream.
-What do you like to play more? guitar or piano?
‘Guitar, you’re closer to the strings’ - Tom Rhys Harries - December 2020. No but seriously, guitar because I can play it better than I can piano. I’m very impatient. Also the only piano I’ve got at the moment is a teeny tiny midi keyboard.
-Have you ever imagined yourself in a dream with dark hair?
I really don’t think I have. I can’t remember seeing myself in my dreams very often. I have actually had dark hair in real life and I wasn’t into it.
-Do you like shooting outdoor’s or in studio’s?
It really depends on the weather. Studios are convenient, but you can start losing track of time and space if you’re in a big hangar from dawn till dusk. I’m currently shooting a new Apple TV+ called Suspicion both on location and in a studio and that’s perfect for me. Coffees are harder to come by in the woods!

-Your favourite sport?
Rugby. It’s a pre-requisite to play rugby if you’re Welsh, I started playing when I was 5, but had to stop when I went off to drama school. One of my drama teachers had said to me I had to choose between acting and rugby cause it’s not the best turning up to rehearsals with a black eye and a broken foot.
-Who was your first crush? and when?
Jessica Rabbit. Around 1999. Don’t @ me.
-Which colour do you like to wear the most?
I’ve got so much blue in my wardrobe, probably too much. I can’t do primary colours though. It’s all grey, black and blue - like my soul. I have however recently been wearing more dark green stuff, which at present I’m really enjoying.
-Few words you'd like to say to your fans?
Thanks for following my career. I love what I get to do and feel very fortunate to have the opportunities I’ve had. I spend a great deal of time and energy on work, so if anyone takes an interest and engages with that thank you, that’s really cool. You’re cool.
-What do you choose to wear along with pants? boots or sneakers?
Yeah pumps/sneakers. Sneakers and pants. I’m all for a quick getaway and sneakers aid that twofold. You can get them on and off faster than boots and you can run faster in them. Prepare for the worst, hope for the best.
-Special plan for 2021?
I am not tempting fate my friend.
-As we know you love riding motorbikes, which bike you’d like to get in 2021?
I had a Moto Guzzi whilst I was shooting White Lines for Netflix out in Spain last year and that a beast. I don’t ride my bike in winter in the U.K. I’ve come off the bike too many times on icy roads. But when it starts to get warmer I’m going to rejig my garage as I’ve got a couple of bikes on their last legs that need some work.
The Bootlegger
Photographed by
LEE STRICKLAND @stricklyfotos
Styled by
Grooming by
Photographic Assistant
TAFF MANTON @taffmanton
Talent Managed by SATELLITE414 SCREEN @satellite414